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Marcus Moreau was a Jedi Master character from the days of old. Founder of the Jedi Alliance and watchman of the Jedi Order of Light and New Holstice.


Marcus Moreau was one of the original Jedi in Second Life. He helped found several orders of Jedi, most notably the Jedi Alliance on New Holstice.

Master Marcus was also the creator of the Great Library, first on Anoth and then moved to its original ancient home of Ossus. This is a one-stop place for almost all SL SW materials. Some places have their own libraries, but the Great Library of Ossus hosts anything common to the entire community. It was Master Marcus' mission in life to create, maintain, and improve upon this library.

Master Marcus was thought to have passed away in June of 2008 at over 200 years of age, having served as a model Jedi for many years. His legacy was not just the Library or his friends' memories, but also the Tome of the Old Jedi. This was his lasting testiment to the times of old and the foundation of all SL Jedi. Further, the ruins of New Holstice still prevail today.


Awakened Master Marcus, Talus, 2009

Recent information indicates that Master Marcus has returned from the Netherworld after 20 years of being thought dead. The Old Jedi Order on Talus found him on Rhen Var unconscious, his supposed death and recent history a mystery to all.

The ruins of New Holstice are home to an ancient temple, a memorial to Jedi past, and a newly-constructed home for the current watchman. If you are a True Jedi in search of privacy and sanctity, contact Master Marcus for more information. A recent Galactic News article has been written on the area, but Master Marcus has yet to speak with them.

Marcus then reunited with old friend and consult Master Leonardis. Together, they hoped to bring some organization to the Jedi throughout the galaxy and peace to Ossus. However, that time would have to wait.


Master Marcus, New Holstice, 2011

After several attempts at working with the various orders of the galaxy (see Conclave on New Holstice, GNN Article on Conclave Failure) and advising on the new Galactic Senate, Marcus realized his efforts were fruitless.

He traveled to his old friends on Ruusan, meditating, pondering, discussing, and listening to the will of the Force with patience. Eventually, Marcus knew he had to join the Jedi here - it was his home. Upon acceptance by the Council, Marcus was inducted as a Master at Large into the New Order of the Jedi.

Origin of Marcus as a Jedi[]

Marcus was a wanderer in this galaxy... going from place to place, looking for a purpose. He had begun to learn of the Jedi ways and wanted to know more. It was by happenstance that he ran into Greg Manhattan one day, and he began to show Marcus things.... Lightsabers, the Force, the ways of the Jedi of the past. Marcus was born during the Rebellion years and thus had to learn much from books and holocrons.

Master Skywalker's teachings also taught much eventually when they were uncovered... But it was an interesting time when there were so few resources... Master Manhattan and Marcus basically took the shambles of the Jedi Temple, combined with the Jedi Honor, and formed the Alliance. Marcus was thrust from a mere learner into a leadership role in years... (months in real time) and soon became what you might call Grand Master, although he would say he was merely the "speaker" for the Council.

Fall of the Jedi Alliance[]

From an interview on Yavin IV:

There was one order... a gathering of Jedi you could say, called the Jedi Temple, under Master Nakio. But that was not much like an order we see today... There was chaos and disorder and a need for strong leadership... that was about when I came onto the scene. Master Greg Manhattan and I had met a few Jedi, including Nakio and some of his folks, and attempted to form a more organized order. But we needed more... umpf. It was at this time that we came across a relatively new order Jedi Honor, under Master Marymac and Master Obaanah. We joined with them as the Jedi Alliance and moved to the Sirious system and eventually New Holstice.
Was I the first Jedi? No. Am I the eldest today? Probably. But one thing I pride myself in is starting the true Jedi way in this galaxy..." A Jedi should not have or enjoy pride, but Marcus feels good that he could start something that impacted so many people.
So the first Jedi Order was probably Jedi Temple led by Master Nakio. The first real organized Jedi Order with a safe haven, academy, and proper facilities and council was the Jedi Alliance... but I may be getting ahead of myself.
The events that led to the breakup of JA were two-fold. First, we had some unrest in the order. Knights felt they were not listened to and we still had a ways to go to get things truly organized. We tried, and made some great changes and strides... but we just could not adapt timely enough. And second, a couple Masters had reached the end of their ropes... Master Manhattan, my long-time friend, went into hiding, and Master Rickin turned to the dark side... it was a real hit to my soul, to my being as a Jedi Master...
It may have seemed like an easier time with basically just DLoTS and the Jedi Alliance, but it was not. Think about taking all the orders today and combining them... think about all the ideals, dress codes, academy practices, leaders, padawan relationships, intimacy allowances... the list goes on. We had to contend with that, albeit on a much smaller scale. There were several who wanted their own way... the old order 'KOTOR' came out of a group of Knights from the JA. I believe 'Jedi Unity' also spun out of some Knights and a master or two from the JA or early NOJ days.
It was hard, and it did not last as long as we had hoped (probably a good year in real time)... but we were strong, we were organized, and we turned out some fine Jedi, many of whom thrive today as beacons of the Light. What happened after the JA fell though... a mini Big Bang of sorts. KOTOR, Jedi Unity, and NOJ were the big groups... I myself went into hiding to focus my energies on what went wrong. When I returned, it was briefly to KOTOR but then to no order in particular. NOJ welcomed me back for a time, and then JGP and Ossus. But as you can see, once the Alliance fell, the multitude of orders began.

Hope for the future[]

From the same interview on Yavin IV above:

Master Moonsoo asked, What led up to your passing to the force?

Age? Marcus chuckled. I thought I was done with this life... I had grown weak on Tatooine, I lived in a hut similar to that of Master Kenobi long ago... it might have even been his. The Force was ready for me and I was able to let it take me, much like Master Yoda before me. *Marcus flicks Yoda's necklace around his neck*
But the Force was NOT done with me... decades later, it spit me back out on Rhen Var where Master Azlum and Master Tal found me. I am not sure why I returned from the Netherworld, something I speculate on in my Tome, but I hope I help others with this second chance.

What does that second chance mean? Marcus has yet to figure that part out. Patience and the Will of the Force will guide him to the answer - of that Master Marcus is sure.


Master Marcus was an old man, and showed the signs of age. He was white and grey haired, with matching beard. He used spectacles for his eyes and a walking staff. Could he use the Force to help him instead of using these two aids? Probably. But as long as they are not a major hindrance, he allowed his body to age.

Upon his awakening on Rhen Var, he had a slightly more youthful look and feeling. However, he had returned to his pre-death condition.

While he walks with a staff, uses glasses, does not carry a lightsaber, and refuses to fight in almost any scenario, Master Marcus' unity with the Force is nearly unmatched. He can defend and heal like no other, and he can fortify his companions by imbuing them with the power of the Force. He is a keen lightsider, unable to be swayed by the dark side or its followers, even en masse. In fact, his powers have made New Holstice a true sanctuary for Jedi and followers of the Light - Sith and darksiders lose most of their abilities there, even in numbers.


(See table at right for basics)

  • Jedi Strengths: Diplomacy, Force Empowerment, Healing, Seeing
  • Age: Approx. 240 - born a bit before Battle of Yavin
  • Parents: Daren and Casa Moreau of Mos Eisley, Tatooine
  • Writings
    • Tome of the Old Jedi, Vol 1: Lessons
    • Tome of the Old Jedi, Vol 2: Concepts
    • Tome of the Old Jedi, Vol 3: The Diamond Concept
    • Revised and recompiled into a single work available here.


  • Jedi Order of Light, Jedi Watchman
  • New Holstice, Former Jedi Watchman
  • Great Library (Anoth, Ossus), Founder & Former Administrator
  • Jedi Alliance, Founder & Former Council Master
  • KOTOR, Former Master
  • Jedi Guardians of Peace, Former Master
  • Old Jedi Order, Former Master
  • LME Jedi Order of Light & Innocence Order of Jedi, Former Consult
  • Ossus Praxeum, Former Council Master
  • New Order of the Jedi, Former Master at Large
  • Galactic Liberation Alliance, Former Jedi Commander

Key Current Locations[]
